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This document was created as a part of the artistic research project Wikiphonium. The following collection of sounds and notations of extended technics for brass constitute an exploration of the use of flexible digital tools as a source for creative processes between composers and performers of contemporary music.

The examples and their descriptions are not meant to be exhaustive in the area of extended techniques for brass, but serves as a proof of concept for these kinds of tool.

The purpose of this Wiki is threefold: 1. To document and demonstrate extended playing techniques for euphonium (and brass in general). 2. To encourage dialogue and exchange of ideas regarding sounds, notations, and the use of extended techniques for brass. 3. To function as a creative resource for composers and brass players in creating new works and aesthetic expressions.

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It is recommended to read and listen further into the field of extended playing techniques for wind instruments:

Extended techniques in stanley friedman's solus for unaccompanied trumpet Dissertation by Scott Meredith:

Extended Trumpet Performance Techniques, MA thesis by Attilio Tribuzi:

Daniel James Wolf: Alternative Tunings, Alternative Tonalities:

Microtonality for trumpet:

Microtonality as an Expressive Device: an Approach for the Contemporary Saxophonist. Dissertation by Seán Mac Erlaine.

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